Never Say the Word Lit Again

Using slang can be fun. When you throwbae orlit into a conversation, information technology can experience similar yous're part of a undercover guild, using a coded language that only the select few sympathise. Here's the deplorable reality, though: Using slang, particularly if you're twoscore or older, makes yous look less hip and more than like you're going through a mid-life crisis. It's sort of like wearing a bad toupee—you're not fooling anybody. Continue reading to learn the slang words and phrases that yous need to officially retire from your vocabulary if you're forty or older. And for more lingo you should lose, check out 20 Slang Terms From the 1990s No 1 Uses Anymore.

Emotional Man Slang Terms

If you're overwhelmed with emotion, you lot're "having all the feels." Information technology's a cute thing to say when you're a teen or in your 20s, when most of the things you get emotional about don't have particularly loftier stakes, but when you're twoscore and you say things like, "I just finalized my divorce and I'thou having all the feels," you're non doing life right. And for a more than optimistic take on getting older, This Is the One Thing Everyone Should Know Earlier Turning forty.

hilarious words {stereotypes}

An acronym for "y'all only live once," YOLO is often said just before somebody is virtually to exercise something they probably shouldn't. Sure, they're about to make a large mistake, just hey, YOLO. At 40, it'due south officially fourth dimension to stop behaving in ways that you know in advance aren't great. Slang or no slang, having one life is no excuse for consciously being foolish, so information technology's a hard no on the YOLO.

Woman with Tote Slang Terms

Totes is an abbreviation for "totally" that sounds hilarious coming from a 20 year-former. But for the 40-plus crowd, information technology sounds like a stern warning not to forget your tote numberless earlier you get grocery shopping. "Totes, people! Never forget the totes!" And for more bad habits you're too told to accept, This Is the One Etiquette Fault Y'all Need to End Making by xl.

Lit Slang Term Candles

When something is and so absurd it deserves to be checked out, it's described as "lit." The but thing that needs to be lit in your earth is lavender vanilla candles. And for more terms that haven't been in-mode in decades, check out The Best Slang Terms from the 1970s That Aren't Cool Today.

Teens Laughing Cray-Cray Slang Terms

If something is extra crazy, it's cray-cray. Over again, this is an case we'd advise you to just use "extra crazy."

A Coffee Spill on the Table The Struggle is Real Slang Terms

The phrase "the struggle is real" works for immature people considering it's semi-ironic. They use information technology when they don't take plenty modify for fast food, or perhaps forgot their Netflix password and can't watch the latest flavor of Black Mirror. But at 40, the struggle may actually be real, and so information technology's hardly advisable to use this slang. And for more corny phrases from your past, check out The All-time Slang Terms From the 1980s That Aren't Absurd Today.

make snapping his fingers

This slang is normally accompanied by a snap of the fingers—you know, just in example information technology wasn't abundantly clear what "oh, snap!" means. We could offering many reasons why you should end using this ridiculous slang—but ultimately, the main reason is considering it originated from a 1910 children'southward novel chosen The Bobbsey Twins at School. Yeah, a children's novel. If you don't believe u.s.a., then take a look for yourself. This phrase is more than 100 years old, and it was written for children. Information technology's time to stop using it.

Starbucks Drive Thru Sign

To be basic is to accept a scrap likewise much interest in mainstream or conventional things. It'due south the kind of insult that just rolls off the natural language when you're immature enough to still intendance about lilliputian things like being absurd and the social rejection of others based on their pop culture interests. Y'all tin do better. And for more helpful information delivered to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.

Suspicious Sus Girl Slang Terms

If something is sketchy or unreliable, it's "sus"—brusque for suspicious. But when yous say it, the only affair that'south sus is, well, you.

Man Holding His Stomach Out of Hunger Commonly Misused Phrases

When the growling in your stomach has gotten so ferocious that it sounds like a lion moving in for the impale, you accept moved upwardly a notch from hungry to hangry. It's a word that essentially combines angry with hungry—considering when you're hangry, you lot might very well punch a guy if he gets between you and a sandwich. Being hangry isn't a practiced look on someone over 40, though. At this phase in life, you lot should have the skills necessary to make yourself a snack before your blood carbohydrate drops to hangry levels, or at least the emotional chapters to control yourself when y'all're feeling ravenous.

Woman yelling at her boyfriend in the kitchen Slang Terms

Putting someone on boom, of course, refers to when a Stormtrooper in any of the Star Wars films charges at the good guys with their blasters. Wait, no, never mind, information technology turns out it doesn't. To put someone on nailreally means to embarrass them by revealing personal details that they'd rather proceed secret. Honestly, we similar our definition better.

Man Talking to Female Coworker Slang Terms

Humble bragging is boasting about your accomplishments while also pretending that'southward not what you lot're really doing. In other words, you're bragging in a cocky-deprecating kind of style. A person over xl should neither accuse someone of apprehensive bragging nor identify themselves every bit a humble bragger. Fake humility is for the immature and insecure.

Two Women Arguing Clap Back Slang Terms

When y'all've been insulted and you answer with a brutal comeback, you've just clapped back. (And congratulations, by the style.) Just when somebody over 40 says clap dorsum, it's just assumed they're talking virtually adulation. Equally in, "Y'all're applauding for me? Well then, I'll just have to clap back at yous with more applause." Yep, that sounds ridiculous, but so does a 40-year-old saying "handclapping dorsum."

90s slang no one uses

Nosotros all know what this slang ways by now. It's a mode of ending a conversation by putting a barrier betwixt you and the offending party. There was a time when telling someone to "talk to the mitt" was considered saucy and unpredictable, only that fourth dimension has long since passed—for everyone, really, just for mature adults particularly.

lion and lioness resting animals in love Slang Terms

If the give-and-take savage automatically makes yous think of lions on an African safari, then you lot definitely shouldn't be using it as an informal slang. Today, the discussion has more to practice with attitude and careless bravado than the power to devour a homo with ane mighty chomp.

cheerful girl with bicycle

It's "yes" only with extra accent. You don't only agree—y'all reeeeeeeeally agree. But if you're over 40, information technology's best to say no to yaaaaaas. Y'all're just going to expect like somebody'southward grandpa impersonating the "wassuuuuuup" guys from those quondam Budweiser commercials.

friends making a duck face while taking a selfie

When somebody is like family but they're not technically related to you, they're your fam. But after 40, calling whatsoever tight circle of friends your fam is like calling a peer your BFF. At that point, you might likewise besides commutation friendship bracelets and sign each other's yearbooks.

cat hears its name and blatantly ignores it

Bruh is not a friendly greeting but rather an expression of surprise. It'southward an alternate way of proverb "Seriously?"—though you should stick to using the more traditional phrasing if y'all're over forty. At present that yous're out of higher (and take been for quite a few decades), it'southward high time you lot stop using whatsoever variation on the give-and-take bro, especially with extra inflections that make it audio like you're saying "bra." Because that's what everyone is hearing. They call up you're talking almost underwear.

Couple Dancing at a Nightclub Slang Terms

C'mon, you tin admit it. You lot recollect this word refers to the villain in a superhero movie. But actually, when people under 40 employ baddie, they're talking about a fellow member of their social circumvolve with a less-than-stellar reputation—someone who doesn't play past the rules, but you lot still kind of respect them anyway. "Oh, like Lex Luther," yous say? See, this is exactly why some slang terms should be off-limits to you.

Slick Man By the Water with Finesse Slang Terms

When something is achieved in a particularly slick way, it's done so with finesse. You lot can finesse something or even be finessed. "I loaned that guy $20 and at present he'due south denying it ever happened? I totally got finessed!" Not that similar situations don't happen to people over 40, but a person in your historic period range just sounds more mature using language like "scammed" or "conned," rather than words that came out of a song featuringBruno MarsandCardi B.

two friends gossiping against a pink background

This slang speak was allegedly inspired past Southern women who gossip over cups of tea. If you're spilling tea, it means you're sharing some especially juicy gossip. But if yous're over 40, about people are going to assume that you're being literal. They'll think yous really did spill some tea, and rather than lean in close to hear what gossip yous have to share, they'll bring you a towel to clean it upwardly.

woman laughing to herself, puns about puns

Obviously this slang phrase isn't literal. When someone says "I'm dead," the implication is that whatever has just been said is so funny or true that information technology's figuratively sent them to an early grave. However, joking about your own premature death is only charming if y'all're years away from leaving this mortal ringlet. When somebody over 40 makes such a proclamation, it tends to be a little more worrying. Don't brand your friends ask if yous were kidding or if y'all've just received some alarming medical news.

Woman Waving Slang Terms

First uttered by rapper Ice Cube in the 1995 comedy Friday, "Bye, Felicia!" is a way of telling someone to go out of your face and stop annoying you. Now, you might fence that it's perfectly acceptable to say this slang phrase equally it came from a time period (the '90s) in which many people now over forty were coming of age. What's more, you might remind us that Ice Cube is now 49—so if he tin can say it, why tin't you?

Well, the thing is, Ice Cube was just 26 when he beginning said, "Bye, Felicia." And he definitely doesn't run around proverb it all the time, because he'southward older, wiser, and knows that there are more adult ways to tell someone to leave you lot solitary than repeating a line from a 1995 movie.

never say this at work

Most of u.s.a. in our 40s and older have a very different definition for the discussion dank than kids today do. For us, if something is chilly, that means it's cold and humid, like a musty basement during the winter. But being chosen dank today, especially past a younger person, is obviously a good matter. It means yous're especially cool or enviable. Nowadays, you lot want to be dank, as foreign that sounds. The rule of pollex is that if you tin't say dank without imagining the give-and-take moist—which, quite frankly, is enough to make anyone shudder—then it's all-time to but avert it entirely.

Black Man Doing His Taxes and Struggling I Can't Even Slang Terms

When a xx-year-old says "I can't even," nosotros all know that they're just losing patience and struggling to bargain. When someone over forty says information technology, well, it'due south probably considering they threw out their back again.

Unhappy Couple doing taxes

If you lot're over forty, everything you do is technically adulting. And if adult behavior is rare plenty in your life that it needs to be identified every bit such, so you've got bigger bug than being also enthusiastic about millennial slang.

shocked woman looking at a phone against a light blue background, did you know facts

Sometimes abbreviations are useful. They take a long sentence and shorten it into something that's not such a mouthful. But OMG—brusque for "oh my goodness" or "oh my God"—doesn't and then much save y'all time and consonants every bit it does brand you lot audio like you're a pre-teen who simply learned they're getting a puppy for Christmas.

Black Man is Completely Shocked Wig Snatched Slang Terms

This slang term is really kind of hilarious. It's a weird fashion of saying that the truth has been exposed, stemming from the shock that people feel when a wig is snatched off one's caput without permission. But simply because this slang makes united states of america grinning doesn't hateful it's something that's advisable for anyone over 40 to apply. Denote to a room of your peers that there's been a wig snatched and it's entirely possible they'll think you lot are referring to an actual stolen hairpiece. As in, "There'due south been a rash of toupee robberies in the area?!"

Woman with a Louis Vuitton Bag {Shopping Tips}

When you want to call someone bourgeois but desire to do it in a way that sounds similar you've just dislocated them with a Teletubbies character, you call them boujee—which can also be spelled "bougie." By age 40, you should have an extensive vocabulary full of colorful and non quite so bizarre-sounding means to insult someone for acting like they're above information technology all.

Asian Man Kissing His Girlfriend or Date's Hands Thirsty Slang Terms

This isn't the kind of thirst that can be satiated with water or other liquids. This is a thirst for approval from strangers, from friends—from anyone, really. If you lot're obsessed with your Twitter following, with how many Facebook likes your latest post has received, or with receiving compliments from someone y'all're attracted to, you're thirsty. However, none of these characteristics should always use to someone over 40; at that stage in life, yous should have enough conviction and self-worth that you no longer rely on external validation.

jealous wife

Using a hashtag in a social media mail service is perfectly acceptable at whatsoever age. But in chat with other adults, you should never—and we hateful never—shout out the word hashtag followed by a random discussion as if whatever you've been discussing has the potential to become viral. Yous're not going to seem like an in-the-know hipster who'due south being ironic near the blurred lines betwixt the online and real worlds; y'all're going to seem like an old person who's confused and disoriented and non entirely sure how this whole "cyberspace thing" works.

Black Woman Shrugging Don't @ Me Slang Terms

In this slang phrase, the "@" symbol is shorthand for "at"—which, of all words in the English linguistic communication, is the last i in demand of shortening. The rough translation is "don't come at me," and while it's primarily used in social media posts, you'll also hear the occasional millennial say it out loud. Quite frankly, "don't @ me" is barely even adequate for younger generations to use, and then don't even carp trying to incorporate it into your online vernacular. Pitiful, it's just the truth—don't @ u.s.a..

Woman Ignoring Her Phone Slang Terms

When you disappear from somebody's life without explanation, you're ghosting them. Or at least that's what information technology's called if you're a teenager or twenty-something who however uses Tinder. If you're over 40, just call this behavior what it really is: being a jerk.

Rihanna at the Met Gala

In a mod context, slaying is almost succeeding in an extreme way. Y'all didn't just do well at the job interview—you slayed it. But if y'all're in your 40s and older, slaying likely makes you think of a certain teenage Sunnydale resident who literally slayed vampires (though Buffy metaphorically slayed, as well.)

Black Woman Giving a Thumbs Down Keep It Slang Terms

Before the age of the cyberspace, we thought the only thing that could go canceled was a Boob tube show or a physician's appointment. But nowadays, canceled is slang for abandoning something—an idea, a fashion way, an online obsession, a person—because information technology'south no longer cool or trendy. As in, "You lot're 40 years old and you're using slang? Yeah, yous're canceled."

A Bunch of People with their Thumbs Up

Trill is a fashion of calling something true and existent without saying both words. Considering evidently saying two words when yous could say one made-up words makes more sense if you lot're under xl.

Friends Laughing Truth or Dare Questions {priorities after 50}

Short for "in existent life," IRL is meant to distinguish between something that happens out in the existent earth as opposed to the "fictional" world of the internet. If you're over twoscore, your entire globe should be occurring "in real life." There is no other option. If yous spend more fourth dimension chatting with strangers online than IRL, consider this your wake-up call.

Woman lifting dumbbell Exercises for Adding Muscle

A person who's swole has massive muscles and looks like they accept protein shakes for breakfast, dejeuner, and dinner. However, if you lot want to tell one of your friends that they look like they've been hitting the gym, and then you should just tell them that they expect similar they've been hitting the gym. The only people who can get abroad with using the wordswole are gym rats and 20-somethings who practise then in a semi-ironic sense.

Kim Kardashian long bob

Lorde, the 22-year-onetime pop singer, had to explain this slang term to her older audience when she used it to describe Kim Kardashian. As she wrote on her Tumblr: "Amid the youthz is a compliment; it basically jokingly means 'adopt me/be my 2nd mom/i call up of you as a mother figure yous are so epic.'" If you're over 40, chances are high you're an actual mom—so this one's got to go, besides.

woman shocked surprise with computer

The 2019 definition of "I'm shook," as used by people younger than you lot, means y'all're stunned or shocked, by and large unable to cope. But if hearing this slang has you lot wondering whether there's been an earthquake in your expanse or makes you outset bustling the chorus to Air-conditioning/DC's "Y'all Shook Me All Night Long," then that's probably an indication that you shouldn't be using it.

secret meanings of emojis

Excessively using emojis isn't something a person over 40 should be doing, peculiarly when those emojis are spoken rather than sent via text. Just blurting out "burn emoji," "smiley face up emoji," or "thumbs upwards emoji" is not the same thing as using an actual emoji in a text. You just sound like a crazy person.

a woman trying on oversized red sunglasses in a store health tweaks over 40

If something is and so absurd that information technology'due south taken to an extra level of coolness, it'south hella cool. Just you know what'due south not hella absurd? Somebody in his or her 40s who still thinks it'south cool to say things similar, "That'due south hella absurd!"

Teens in a Convertible

Unless you're using the word to hateful "in a literal sense," you literally need to cease saying literally. Like, now. Immediately. We're literally not kidding.

Man Checking His Texts

When y'all text someone and they read the message simply never get around to responding (or merely ignore you), you've been "left on read." At present, apart from the fact that this kind of slang will only confuse your young man 40-year-sometime friends, it also indicates that you're expending a chip too much mental free energy on things like text messages. You're a grown-up, and you should have meliorate things to do with your twenty-four hours than complain almost how apace your texts are returned.

female wearing white T-shirt, feeling guilty, confused, making helpless gesture with hands, having Oops expression on her face. Human emotions and feelings, math jokes

You may have noticed a recurring motif in many of the slang words included on this list: They tend to describe situations or behaviors that people over 40 shouldn't be involved in anymore. Fauxpology is a perfect example. It's slang for an apology that isn't sincere, where it'southward very obvious that you're only saying "sorry" out of a sense of obligation but y'all'd probably practice whatever it is you're apologizing for over again if given the risk. So, saying fauxpology makes you sound similar a 40-year-old apologizing for adulterous on a high school examination. Don't say it—and above all, don't do something that you lot need to fauxpologize for.

Man leaving office Quitting stories

When people tell you lot to "have the 50," they're telling y'all that you've failed in whatsoever y'all were trying to reach and that information technology'due south time to admit defeat. The "L" in this example stands for "loss." This phrase might be cute and funny amongst boys in the schoolyard, but your coworkers aren't going to exist quite so amused when you lot tell them that their project is a failure and that they should but take the Fifty.

Teens Talking Slang Terms

In the world of slang, people use the word as a synonym for "very," "really," or "seriously"—as in, you highkey should never use the wordhighkey unless you want to sound similar a poser.

friends dancing at a crowded house party

Getting turnt usually involves some combination of booze, drugs, and other illicit substances and activities. If you experience compelled to use this give-and-take, you're either using it wrong—"A second glass of chardonnay? I'one thousand about to go turnt!"—or you lot have aging issues that perhaps need resolving.

Excited Teens on Tablet Slang Terms

It'south brusk for "one hundred per centum," and information technology's used equally an affirmation that's synonymous with "totally" or "absolutely." ("You remember Ben should date Monica?" "Hundo P!") Just coming out of your oral fissure, anybody is going to be fairly sure that "hundo P" is just your way of bragging virtually your new Hyundai sedan.

Dissing Someone Slang Terms

To throw shade is to hurl insults; if yous're throwing shade at someone, you're essentially dissing them. When people over 40 say that they're throwing shade, though, everybody assumes they're only putting up a beach umbrella and trying to avert those damaging UV rays.

Joy of Missing Out Slang Terms

JOMO is an acronym that stands for "the joy of missing out," because sometimes it'due south more than fun to stay dwelling and miss the party than to fearfulness missing out (FOMO) on a good time. But when you're over 40, y'all should simply say what you really mean. Yous adopt taking a hot bath and watching a moving-picture show on the couch over grabbing a nightcap with friends, and at that place's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Man Ignored by Partner on Phone Slang Terms

When you get snubbed by somebody y'all're trying to talk to because they're preoccupied with their phone or iPad, they're phubbing yous. Hopefully this isn't a state of affairs that you, in your 40s, are often dealing with—only if y'all are, then you have bigger things to worry about than using too many slang terms.

Happy Indian Couple Bae Slang Terms

Here's the matter almost modern slang: It changes really fast. Even the kids don't use the word "bae"—which stands for "before annihilation else"—to refer to their partners lovingly anymore. Today, talking about your bae will accept people assuming you mean a big body of h2o, specially if you're over 40.

Goats Slang Term

M.O.A.T. is an acronym that stands for the "greatest of all time"; it's also the name of a really good LL Absurd Jalbum. Merely when you say it in conversation amongst your older friends, y'all run the risk of people thinking you're talking about actual goats.

Talking to Friend Slang Terms

"JK" is short for "just kidding," and people utilise it when they desire to be perfectly clear that what they said was a joke. Notwithstanding, "JK" often has a passive-aggressive connotation to it, almost like the "kidding merely non kidding" of the digital age. And when you're 40, you lot know that the whole "just kidding" affair doesn't work. You can't merely say something hateful and wipe it abroad by following information technology with a "Only kidding!" Merely avoid the fight—and the slang—by never saying anything that warrants a "JK" in the first place.

Protest Slang Terms

Someone who'due south wokeis hyperaware, usually in a politically progressive way, well-nigh sexism, racism, or some other social injustice. Every bit an adult, information technology'due south perfectly acceptable—and encouraged—to exist "woke," but the only fourth dimension you should be describing yourself every bit such is when that second cup of coffee has kicked in.

bathroom slippers, cultural mistakes

It's curt for "pretty"—as in, "I'thou p excited to go out tonight." Simply when you say it and you're over xl, people are e'er going to think y'all're talking most going to the bathroom.

three girlfriends talking

Stemming from the hit movieClueless, "as if" is used in younger crowds to limited atheism, similar to the phrase "Aye, right!" Allow's just say that there'south a reason why this slang speak was popularized by a loftier schoolhouse girl and not a xl-twelvemonth-onetime dad.

Shutterstock/Kathy Hutchins

Inspired by an Eminem song of the same name, if you stan something, you're an obsessive fan. But use this discussion at your next social office, and we guarantee people are going to be thinking, "Who'due south Stan? There'southward no Stan here. Oh male child, is he getting dementia?"

Pregnant woman sitting on a couch

In younger crowds, you might hear pregnant women referred to every bit being "preggers." This might sound cute coming from a fellow twenty-something, but nosotros guarantee information technology'southward the last thing any meaning woman wants to hear coming out of an older adult's mouth when they share their big news.

embarrassed woman TBH Slang Terms

It's an acronym that stands for "to exist honest"—and TBH, it should never be uttered by you. Why? Well, not merely volition you sound giddy using it, just the people whom you're talking to also probably won't even know what y'all're proverb.

Man taking selfie on beach

When you're trying a picayune too difficult or being a little as well over-the-meridian, you're existence actress. Here's an case in a judgement: "Do you lot see that eye-age couple trying to deed similar they're in their 20s? Oh my gosh, they're so extra."

Beyonce and Jay-Z in 2003
Andrea Renault/World Photos/ Stock Photo

An acronym for "one true pairing," OTP is often used to describe a glory relationship that yous care a little too much about. If your first thought was, "Oh yeah, I get it—like Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson!" then you lot are too sometime to be using OTP.

happy businesswoman gesturing while smiling

If the point of language is to communicate ideas, so shorting perfect toperf is what the kids would call an epic fail. Information technology just makes yous audio like a purring cat.


People utilise the phrase "continue it"—frequently on social media sites like Twitter—when they want to express their disdain for something. An example: "Taylor Swift just came out with a new vocal? Keep it." Recall of information technology as a shorter fashion of saying "Keep it away from me," which is exactly what you should be doing as far as this proverb is concerned.

Netflix and Chill Slang Terms

When kids use "Netflix and chill," they're usually referring to having someone over for intimate solitary time. But in your 40s? It describes exactly how yous're spending most of your Friday nights quite literally.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend standing in front of a green wall

This is a catchy i. The word ship is brusque for relationship, simply information technology's frequently used equally a verb—as in, you "transport" two people that you lot want to exist in a human relationship or believe represent true dear. If you, say, think Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca are the perfect fictional pair, y'all would say "I ship Humph and Ing." You're already confused, aren't y'all? Allow's move on.

Salty Teens Slang Terms

When somebody is behaving bitterly or angrily, yous might depict them equally beingness salty. Unless yous're over twoscore, that is, in which example describing something as salty should be reserved for the kitchen.

woman sad alone on couch ways we're unhealthy

Otherwise known as "fear of missing out," FOMO is the creeping anxiety that if you go out the party besides shortly—or worse, don't come at all—you'll observe out the next day that you missed the social result of the twelvemonth. But one of the luxuries of reaching 40 is realizing that staying home can exist far more satisfying than whatever political party. Your FOMO should exist long gone in your 40s, lone with your utilise of this word.

Woman on her phone

Brusk for "likewise long, didn't read," TL;DR is a weird slang abbreviation that young people use to signal that they're going to summarize a story. Is information technology weird when teens and tweens say this out loud? Aye. Is information technology even weirder when a 40-year-quondam person does? Absolutely.

Man on Phone Sliding into DMs Slang Terms

When you don't take somebody's number simply you lot'd like to go to know them meliorate, you "slide into their DMs" (with DMs referring to direct messages on social media). There's no style for somebody over 40 to say this without sounding creepy. If yous've organized a playdate with your kid'southward best friend, y'all probably shouldn't tell his mother to "slide into your DMs."

Goals Confident Man Slang Terms

Information technology's got the aforementioned definition as the regular word "goals", simply as a slang term it's used as an adjective. Example: "Sounding younger than I actually am fifty-fifty though everyone knows my real historic period is goals." Simply to exist clear, it shouldn't be.

Sorry Not Sorry Slang Terms

This good ol' apology reversal is like shooting fish in a barrel to recognize equally sarcasm in a twenty-year-old. But when yous reach forty, information technology only comes off equally irresponsible and indecisive. ("Seriously, Bob, are y'all sorry or are you non sorry?")

Awkwafina from Crazy Rich Asians

The slang termratchet was originally intended as an insult, as a way to call somebody unclassy or nasty. However, sometimes information technology tin exist a compliment. As hip-hop producer Phunk Dawg once explained: "[Ratchet is] non necessarily negative. You lot could say 'I'm ratchet' to say 'I'm real. I'yard ghetto. I am what I am.' It can be light, too." Mod slang is tough enough when you're over 40, but slang words that have more than than 1 definition are only a recipe for disaster. Practice you actually want to telephone call somebody ratchet thinking you're existence nice but they retrieve y'all're slandering them? Don't risk information technology.

Two women wearing floral straight cap hats with sunglasses

This is a tricky one, especially if you've spent your unabridged life using the word dumb to mean stupid. Patently, dumb has adult a new meaning in some circles, as a substitute for "really" or "very"—as in, "That test was dumb difficult." It'due south a hard tightrope to walk, and ane that could likely lead to you offending somebody. Better to skip this one, also.

men drinking ways we're less healthy

Krunk was first coined by Conan O'Brien in 1993 every bit a simulated curse discussion, one that "the censors don't quite know what to do with still." The word has developed several definitions over the years. Does information technology hateful something is especially cool, or fashionable, or that people are getting intoxicated? Or is it notwithstanding, as O'Brien intended, a way to swear without actually swearing? It'southward best to play information technology safe and get out this slang alone.

Woman boxing

This curious phrase is inspired by a teenager who appeared on Dr. Phil and threatened to fight the entire audition. Her lazy drawl is translated as, "Catch me outside, how about that?"—which meant, "Let's take this outside."

Basically, "Cash me ousside, howbowdah?" is something you jokingly say to a friend when you're trying to appear tough just you're non serious almost fighting them. The line might land with millennials, if simply because they've all seen the clip by now. But people over 40 tend to be alarmed when a peer challenges them to fisticuffs.

Group of Friends are Shocked and Impressed Snatched Slang Terms

Don't misfile this with wig snatching. Snatched on its own is the new "on fleek," and it's used in the aforementioned way to describe something that'due south really on point. Trust the states, though: You can get past but calling things "really impressive" or "on bespeak."

Men Greeting Each Other Slang Terms

The '90s chosen—and they desire to remind you that you're in your 40s at present and saying "wassuuuuuup" is your generation's version of request the kids for aid connecting to the internet.

Kim Kardashian
Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock

Thiccis supposed to be a compliment, referring to a voluptuous, full-figured woman with curves in all the right places. But information technology's never a proficient idea to comment on anybody'due south size or weight, even if you hateful it in a positive way. These are murky waters that should be avoided at all costs.


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