How to Send Piper Back to Publick Occurrences


1 Feb, 2017 @ 6:41am

If you havnt had her live at a settlement, she will go back to Dimind City. If you put her in a settlement for awhile while using another companion or venturing on your own, she will go to said settlement or the one you assign her to.

i dont know if this is a bug but go find another companion ask them to join you so game ask you where to send piper instead of choosing anything press tab it should send it to original location . can confirm many times for cait

When you dismiss her the option to send her to a settlement pops up. Don't chose a place to send here instead hit cancel and she'll go back to where you found her.

If you already assigned her to a settlement then, yeah, use a mod.

Kind of dumb of them not letting you send them home to their owm home.

Fact Piper wonders how her sister is, it woiuld be a good thing.

Thanks guys, I did send her to the drive in but not long ago and I think I can find a save.

rule of thumb : never send dismissed companions anywhere when you dismiss them. simply exit outa the selection menu and theyll go default location by themselfs (them getting there can take DAYS ingame depending on travel distance as they slowwalk there in real ingame time. so dont fast travel there and expect to find them right of the bat).

the only 3 companions where this doesnt matter are dogmeat preston and codsworth as they are gotten at a settlement location to begin with.

interesting is that codsworth if you send him home displays : codsworth goes to YOUR HOME if you dont assign him to a settlement which makes him move to his default spot right in front of the house of tomorrow and he wont ever MOVE around from this spot unlike if you assigned him to a settlement where he just randomly wanders around if not assigned.

if you sent them to a settlement even ONCE youre done. you cannot send em back home ever again unless you use mods. another oversight by bugthesda.

Last edited by Nerevar; 1 Feb, 2017 @ 10:30am

everyone keeps bringing up a mod, can someone please link it


22 Sep, 2020 @ 5:50pm

An actual worthwhile necro.

I looked around and couldn't find one specific to her, so I would guess its part of a companion control mod. However, I don't use any, so I have no idea which one it is.

let me FIX this lovely necro for you. when it comes to the companions dismiss options hit cancel when it asks you where you want to send them. it should command them to go back to their original hangout... ALSO I FOUND THE MOD!!!

Last edited by bongerman85; 22 Sep, 2020 @ 5:56pm


22 Sep, 2020 @ 6:08pm

Install a mod that allows you to kill children.

Then kill Nat.

No guilt whatsoever.

How to Send Piper Back to Publick Occurrences


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